Thursday, January 3, 2013

pay day

Today Scott got paid however we can't really touch any of the money. However there was a few things our family needed to get. Purchased a 18 pack of hand soap at Walmart for 2 bucks now with that me and my daughter used two bars and made a gallon of liquid soap that can be used as hand soap shampoo or to wash dishes. here is the link for the YouTube video we headed for the food-bank today now we are not ashamed to say it or use it. we went years not using it when we could we donated. we received pasta sauce veggies fruit bread canned item all together around 250 to 300 worth of food there is enough to feed my family with what i have for a month. of course mixing in what i have on hand and trading with friends for dinner we are having chicken drumsticks that i bought on sale last week of course they were in the freezer. roasted potatoes with carrots mix with oil salt pepper and what ever other spices your family likes and has. put in 350 oven for an hour. drum sticks the same but no oil. my ex gave me a winter squash i cut in half salt pepper and butter 350 in oven for one hour cooking all at the same time saves me time and money on hydro. i will use that for dinner tomorrow. that post will be on tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

we did it

I did it. Quit the job, we are now a one income family. The following blog will be our struggle to make ends meet with just one cheque coming in. Husband Scott 36 same job for 13 years Wife Quannah 34 now stay at home mom Son Andrew 15 lives with dad Son Korey 7 lives with us Daughter Deborha 12 lives with us. One week ago I quit my job. One of those spur of the moment quits. I was with the company for 3 years. We rent our home but own our car and everything in the house out right. RENT 1300 HYDRO 110 INSURANCE 67 CELL 45 PHONE, INTERNET, CABLE 98 TOTAL 1620 keep in mind this does not include food, gas, clothing, or anything else just a place to live. what we bring in SCOTT 2000 FAMILY ALLOWANCE 530 2530 is what is brought in the home 2530 -1620 910 a month now you may think this is a lot however we do have "other" bills we have had to borrow from friends and family national money borrowing place. JAN is a 3 cheque month as this appends twice a year our rent for jan is paid, and the bills are paid. I will get us out of the red and in the black this month and we can start from scratch free and clear. welcome to our struggle